Patent Registration is techno-legal process which requires a lot of intelligentsia and efforts in drafting of specification of the patentable subject before filing the patent application. The patent is subject to be protected from its beginning and hence it is provided to file a provisional patent application with a provisional specification of the patentable subject and once the patentable subject is fully developed or invented a final application of the patent is filed with final specification of the patent after which the processes of examination, objection and hearing follows
Our team of patent attorneys and patent agents are highly experienced in patent registration with sound knowledge of every subject who help our clients in drafting of a proper specification of the patent resulting is easy registration of patent. We are skilled in understanding the patentable subject and help you drafting of provisional specifications and final specification of the patents and filing of the provisional patent application along with final patent application
Our patent attorneys help our clients in continuous track of the patent application and take up necessary steps in the examination and objections on the patent application. We are expertise in drafting strong legal arguments and help our clients in handling any kind of objections on the patent applications. We help our clients in filing the application for early examination of patents and help them in getting the patent registered in a short time. A team of highly experienced patent lawyers are available for putting arguments in case of patent hearing and we have a good track record of victories in patent hearings
Our strong background of patent litigations helps our clients in protection of patents through their extensive efforts of proper legal proceedings and put their hardest legal efforts in protection and security of the patents of our clients