For change of details in Registered Trademark an application is file in form TM-P along with the applicable government fee and the details of the change required. The TM-P can be filed for change in name of the registered proprietor in case of a company or a firm or association. The change of address of the registered proprietor can be requested in form TM-P. Even the addition or deletion of goods or services may also be requested in Form TM-P while for amendment in the clerical errors of Trademark application or for changes in the any other details of trademark application along with change in E-mail or Mobile number or even the changes in the name of the applicant and address are done by filing Form TM-M
Expert and honest Trademark attorneys in our team help and guide your through the process of change in the details of a Registered Trademark by filing TM-P. Our attorneys have vast experience of Trademark applications and changes and have sound knowledge of departmental processes of Trademark
We appropriately advise you the required changes in a Trademark application which facilitates your trademark registration for approval in a fast and easy way. We also help in correction of Trademark application in Formality check fail cases along with reply to the examination report. It is important to note that if the examination report is issues by the Trademark department along with instruction of filing TM-M, you are required to file a TM-M before replying the examination report. Such a reply should contain the details of filed Trademark amendment application