A Registered trademark can be transferred from one person to other person by the process of assignment of trademark. The application of trademark assignment is filed in form TM-P along with Trademark assignment deed and applicable Government fees. Generally, Trademark assignment takes 3-4 months in completion of assignment. It is important to note that after assignment of trademark, fresh certificate of registration is not issued in the name of transferee but after renewal of the Trademark by the Transferee, the trademark registrar issues a Trademark Registration certificate in the name of the transferee
We are the best team of trademark attorneys for preparation and drafting of a strong trademark assignment deed with reasonable legal grounds and help our client in assignment of trademark
We include all legal provisions and grounds to strengthen the assignment process and save you from unnecessary expenditures and pendency due to legal issues
We are the best attorneys for the process of trademark assignment with a sound knowledge of trademark assignment process. Through our strong drafting skills and legal proficiency, we help you the complete the trademark assignment process within a short time along with protect you from unnecessary proceeding in Trademark assignment process