Baijoo Legal

Section 8 Company Registration 2024 with customized drafting of MOA and AOA in Banaganapalli, Nandyal

Section 8 company is a non-profit company and functions like an NGO. The difference in section 8 company and NGO is only that the Section 8 company is registered with Registrar or companies while the NGO is registered with the Registrar od societies. The objectives of Section 8 companies are same as NGO which are mentioned in the memorandum of association before registration of Section 8 company in Banaganapalli, Nandyal and Andhra Pradesh

Our expert lawyers and chartered accountants provide you quality advisory and legal support in getting section 8 company registered in a quick and smooth manner along with helping you in all the documentation process in Banaganapalli, Nandyal and Andhra Pradesh

Compliances of Section 8 companies 2024 in Banaganapalli, Nandyal and Andhra Pradesh

Compliances of section 8 companies are the same as of the private limited companies where annual returns along with financial statements are required to be filed with the Registrar of companies. We help our clients in filing annual compliances along with other compliances for section 8 companies. Our expert tax professionals help sections 8 companies in getting various registrations and tax filings along with prompt support in PF and ESI filings. Our legal team guide and advise our clients in maintaining and managing proper operations, management and governance by preparation and effective implementation of rules, policies and guidelines. Our legal services help and protect section 8 companies at every step of their management and operations and facilitate in better growth and development in a cost-effective manner in Banaganapalli, Nandyal and Andhra Pradesh

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